Friday, December 31, 2010

The 3 Wise Monkeys

Once upon a time, there was a monkey named Fred,
Who believed himself never to be wrong.
Try as he might, to always do right, something always went wrong.
Fed up with the past, Fred set out on a task
to learn, what was wrong, in his head.
Try as he might, it didn’t go right and Fred became angry and cold.

Once upon a time, there was a monkey named Lucy,
Not very serious, she acted quiet goofy.
Try as she might, to always do right, something always went wrong.
Lucy set out on the task, to not be an ass
But surely it’d pass, Lucy’s best couldn’t last
The anxiety in her head, overwhelmed her instead, turning bitter and squirrely

Once upon a time there was a monkey named Tim,
Timid was Tim, that socializing, wasn’t for him.
Try as he might, to always do right, something always went wrong.
Tim set out for a change, to timid Tim’s ways, and read all the books he could read.
Poor little Tim, near sighted was him; he didn’t see that before him.
Try as he might, it just didn’t go right, so Tim turned away from us all.

Finally one day, the three monkeys astray
Came upon a man, them all.
Quiet and concise, the man was quite nice
The monkeys agreed, them all.
This man set them down, to tell a story he’d found
Of three who were angry indeed.

All being wronged, they were right to be mad
This story, the old man him having.

The 3 monkeys astray, not turning away
Felt meaning in the old mans homily.
Quiet and concise, the old man told of vise
Shattered dreams, loneliness and crying.
The 3 monkeys astray, having not turned away
Together them all, began crying.

Their hearts being revealed, together they’d yield
As the old man finished his story.
When asked why so sad, the old man, the 3 monkeys, he had
The monkeys confessed to him their stories.

Each in there way
Bruised reeds where they
That they finally understood each other.

Revealed at last
The burden had passed
And quietly they turned to each other.

Love in deed!
Was the seed
Planted in these monkeys, that day.

All being revealed
The monkey’s hearts being healed
The tree blossomed to yield its fruit.

Marvelous indeed
Was this seed
Planted in the monkeys that day.

The fruits from the tree
Could the 3 finally see
And eat of it, the 3, they did.

No longer having need
Or pretenses or greed.
No problem could the monkeys not solve.

That having said
The old man smiled
Tears no longer being shed
The 3 monkeys became wise, them all.

Philo Lapis

Friday, December 17, 2010

The Simple Truth

Your title given, means not a thing
Nor a solution, does it bring
Your perception tainted, by my name
Your vision clouded, does not change

How can you, be spoken too?
When by a single word, you become confused?
Lost from reason you chase the goal
To prove your worth down a rabbit whole
And all the while professing that,
You see all the things that I lack

What the understanding are to do
When constrained by the likes of you
Prey for relief I have done
But to be released from your stupid pun

I want not, of your childish games
Or a stupid given name
Only to be relieved, from you
Your smell repugnant, to quiet a few

Nothing is their left to say
But that you leave me in disarray
For the words that I lack
A quote Laozi will I extract

“My words are very easy to know, and very easy to practice; but there is no one in the world who is able to know and able to practice them.”

Complex I’m sure, for quiet a few
Because reality, do they eschew
Perception that you think perceived
Lack that which is in deed.

My Alter Ego;
Philo Lapis

Alexander Pope An Essay on Criticism

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


What do we mean by poverty? Paper, objects, influence, knowledge, thought, ability? What then is poverty? Am I poor because I'm loved, educated and healthy but don't have green paper? Am I richer by materialism? Do I gain something from playing the human game of influence and poverty of thought? What do I loose from this game? My humanity*, my relationships, my essence?

How can I measure poverty? Why do we seek what we do? Maslow gave us a hierarchy of motivaton. Once basic needs are reached self actualization is sought. What then is self actualization? Realizing that your belly won't digest paper, no matter its color? What then is actualization? Realizing that you will actually die? That individually you don't matter? What does self actualization actual mean? The subjunctiveness of the obtuse has my triangulation discomforted. The hypotenuse, your dead, the tangent, you want, the obtuse, you can't keep it so why should you care? It seems apparent that a short perspective is filled with irrelevance. What isn't irrelevant? The kids? The next generation? What will they have if we destroy it? What is important and what isn't? What is poverty and when will it end?

Testosterone and estrogen, perception and reality, wants and desires; when will the poverty of man end? When will the poverty of thought be satisfied? When will the obvious be apparent to us that are blind?

Poverty of Sight!
Philo Lapis

The Allegory of the Cave
Maslows Hierarchy
*Humanity - derivesion of human from man translated to think.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Rage Against the Machine

Recognizing that first impressions are a must we have striven to make a first impression. Unfortunately we were unable to decide on what type of first impression to make. Having realized that no first impression is ever the best first impression we have decided the worst first impression is the best we can do.

Bulls On Parade
Terror rains drenchin', quenchin' tha thirst of tha power dons
That five sided fist-a-gon
That rotten sore on the face of mother earth gets bigger
The triggers cold, empty ya purse!
Weapons not food, not homes, not shoes
Not need, just feed the war cannibal animal
I walk tha corner to tha rubble that used to be a library line
up to the mind cemetery now
What we don't know keeps tha contracts alive an movin'
They don't gotta burn tha books they just remove 'em
While arms warehouses fill as quick as the cells
They rally round the family! With pockets full of shells!

Bush’s totalitarianism, Obama signing American assassinations now.
Rallying around the family with a pocket full a shells?
Assange indited for a blown condom suddenly burst.
Hillary collecting genetics, North Korea and Iranian nuclear tests.
Rally round the family, pockets full of shells?
Middle east demanding bombin’, blamin’ the American.
Free speech indited Annoymous a fighten' now.
They rally round the family! With pockets full of shells!

Bulls on Parade!
Philo Lapis