Abstract 1:
Mathematics says both sides of the equal sign have to equal 0. By taking any number and dividing it by 2 you will never reach 0. This is called an asymptote. Square root 2, pi, Fibonacci, primes and the golden ratio are asymptotic and cannot be made whole. They can never be whole. By that nature they are irrational, “an abstract”.
C=Light speed
Speed is a measure of distance divided by time. If either distance or time, are relative then speed is irrational, “an abstract”.
If both pi and C are irrational then all science that we know and love is irrational, “an abstract”. E=MC^2, E=hc/λ, e^ipi + 1 = 0, etc.. Any number that is not whole and not equal on both sides of the equal sign breaks the very first rule of mathematics. Yet simultaneously we observe that light bends and have proven the relativity of time, “a paradox”. The solution to our function is not irrational and yet its formulation mathematically is irrational.
Thesis 0:Religion, Philosophy and art are allegorical, metaphorical and observational. Religion, Philosophy and art are an asymptote. There expression is the observation of One and the expression: 1 <> 0. 1 being equal to 0 would be irrational, “an abstract” and yet we just showed that our observations and measurements being irrational derive the conclusion of rational observation, “a paradox”.
Laws are created to prevent others from hurting us and to prevent us from hurting others. Laws are meant to guide and direct towards a better world: mathematically and observationally. When a law in science is proven true and the same law is also proven false we observe true being equal to false. We could spend the rest of our lives trying to disprove the mathematical paradox or we could accept the paradox and search elsewhere until a later time and greater understanding. However, to allow a law to supersede its purpose, “making the world whole”, is irrational; especially when faced with observations to the contrary.
To raise the law, meant to protect us above the One who created us is irrational, “idolatry”. Yet just as we rationally observe the first rule of religion: “There is only one G-d”, we observe it broken by paradox of holding the law above Him who created it. We have now arrived upon the shores of observable and mathematical abstracts. Both mathematics and religion are forced, at times, to break one law to uphold a higher, more observable truth. It is here where we arrive where angels fear to tread. Both the hard “math, science” and the soft “philosophy, art, religion” pursue observation of the truth. Both pursue unity of the whole.
Anyone who removes a letter or changes its meaning breaks the law. Christians, Muslims and Jews are people of the book and will have a share in the world to come. Cut down no tree barring fruit. All three have born fruit and all three have sinned but rationally the Father forgives us all because his mercy and understanding is super rational. Science has born fruit and science has caused suffering yet the one Creator demands rational observation of the irrationality of our actions. That is the paradox of irrationality to which we are born.
Conclusion:Every entity who accepts the below laws will share in the glory of heaven: “the world to come”.
1. I will, “not” worship anyone or anything other than the one Creator. =0
2. I will, “not” show disrespect for the Creator in any way. =0
3. I will, “not” kill. =0
4. I will respect the institution of marriage. =1
5. I will “not” take that which does not rightfully belong to me. =0
6. I will “not” cause needless harm to any living thing. =0
7. I will uphold courts of truth and justice in my land. =1
5 things you should, “not”, do and only 2 things that you, should do. It seems G-d is one Awesome, forgiving, merciful, understanding and patient Creator.
8. I will “not” treat others how I do not wish to be treated. =0
9. I will show the Creator faith by allowing him to judge others. =1
Mathematics and the physical world (Morris Kline)

Ornithology of the Oreomystis,
Philo Lapis